New England Maple Museum
Featuring recent renovations and a gift shop full of Vermont maple products, artisan crafts, foods, and souvenirs.
The New England Maple Museum is located on Route 7 just north of Rutland in Pittsford, Vermont. The museum brings visitors on a centuries-long journey through maple sugaring from the early beginnings of Native American time through present day. The newly renovated gift shop is filled with maple syrup (made at their maple farm in Lincoln, Vermont) and all maple products, Vermont Artisan crafts and specialty foods, and souvenirs. Offering samples of Vermont made syrup.
Enjoy a picnic beside the lovely pond, feed the fish, and take in the beauty of Vermont. Public restrooms available.
Group Policies & Rates: Group tours are welcomed by advance registration.
Motorcoach Parking Information: Ample motorcoach parking available.
Highlighted Group Experience: Wander along on a guided tour through the history of Vermont maple sugaring, watch a video of old-time sugar making, sample maple syrup made by their farm and shop for Vermont maple products and gifts. Shipping is offered.